Contemporary Suspenseful Storytelling...
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Judy C. Andrews
Browngirl Journaling: Popular Blog Posts byJudy C. Andrews
BOOKS BY JUDY C. ANDREWS: The Gathering of Gemstones: A Poetry Collection Intriguing. Sexy. Intense. "Gather your jewels of joy, wherever you are."
This artistic work of literature entertains and soothes readers from all walks of life who enjoy rich words of power and enchanting possibilities.
The Gathering of Gemstones: A Poetry Collection, by Judy C. Andrews, inspires readers through her personal reflections on the conditions that affect the human experience and nature, with emphasis on her African American culture.
A sensual and spiritual collection, this literary work covers a range of subjects using the motif, light. Subjects in this mystical collection include love, romance, relationships, and social justice issues.
More Compelling Stories of Thrilling Suspense:
The issues of sex-trafficking, opioid abuse, and shady healthcare practices are explored in the novel of suspense, A Gift To Treasure, by Judy C. Andrews. The newly married narrator, Treasure Fields Hawthorne, embraces her hometown, Jewel Park, New York, with loving nostalgia, despite bittersweet memories. Her life is altered when she encounters a mysterious teenager.
Through the teen's revelations of abuse, Treasure soon learns that Jewel Park, New York, the predominantly African American town, founded by people of Gullah/Geechee heritage, has changed in plain sight.
An Ocean of Jewels, by Judy C. Andrews
An Empowering Story of Self-love and Forgiveness.
Imani Jewel Henderson, a former foster child is forced to seek the knowledge of her rich Gullah/Geechee heritage when her father dies. A legacy is in her grasp. Will she find it?
The literary, suspenseful novel, An Ocean of Jewels, explores Gullah/Geechee culture in a suspenseful, mesmerizing plot. The main character, Imani Jewel Henderson, a former foster child, is forced to seek the knowledge of her rich heritage when her father dies at Christmas on her 29th birthday. A legacy of treasures is in her grasp. Will she find it?
Imani embarks on a journey to discover her father's mysterious past and the root of her mother's pain. Join her, and explore the Gullah/Geechee fictional towns of Jewel Park, New York, Creeksville, Georgia, and Eva Creek Island, Georgia, with a glass of teacola, some warm sweet potato pone, and a dollop of curiosity. Other issues explored in the novel are Colorism, Orphan Trains, The Jewish Holocaust, and Bedford-Stuyvesant’s historic, Weeksville community.